
resort and travel: The Madonna of the Rosary Sanctuary of Pompei

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Madonna of the Rosary Sanctuary of Pompei

I told you, I wanted to visit a manifestation where were presented the wines of Campania that took place in Pompei on Marz, 25. It happend so that I came an hour earlier and had time to visit Sanctuary too.

This Sanctuary is very important for all the residents of Campania and there is a day in May,I think, when they go to visit it at feet. A sort of pelgrinage. I know persons that walk 12 km till Pompei every year to thank Madonna for received grace. Once I has to go in Naples with the bus that passed through Pompei on that day and there were hundreds of persons walking in Pompei long all the road.

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I just described the sanctuary in my post Sanctuary Of The Modern Pompei and invite you to visit it for more information and photos.

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