Madrid was the next city to visit in the list of one of my friends. She has a very good job: she can travel everywhere practically every month. So, this time it was Madrid. The city became a capital "recently", in 1561. Madrid is not only the highest but one of the most large cities in Europe (London and Berlin take the first places).
«Крыши Мадрида» на Яндекс.Фотках
Here is the main square of Madrid.
If you think that this square is a little empty, you have to remember that this place was created for all kinds of events and shows. It was a place for corridas, for parades, for shows. Here were organized the fires for heretics: oncew, in 1680, 21 persons were burned on this place and the royal family assisted this executions for 12 hours.
«Центральная площадь Мадрида - Пласа Майор» на Яндекс.Фотках
Today, Madrid forgot public executions and it's a pleasant city with many nice places for persons of every age and interest. Ans a kind of paradise for tourists.
«Церковь Святого Иеронима у музея Прадо в Мадриде» на Яндекс.Фотках
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