
resort and travel: Vacation on the Beach

Friday, June 10, 2011

Vacation on the Beach

Vacations on the beach are favourite relax for many of us. Persons begin to dream sea waves and breeze just when they turn home from there. Some of my friends said me that the sea is not important for them but than confessed they go to the beach for a week or two every year.

Well, important or not, we want to experience the vacation near the seas. Sometimes it's relaxing and nice when there is enough place on the beach and in the sea. But some of us are not so fortunate or want to visit very popular beaches that are so full that you can hardly find place not only to lay but even to stand there. This photo that was sent me by one of my friends was published by Reuters, I think, about a year or two ago.

Is it a relaxing beach experience???

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