
resort and travel: Italy Means Good Food

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Italy Means Good Food

In only few months, the weather will change it's cold side here, the sun will shine brightly and many persons will come in Italy to know it's treasures.

One of these treasures is the so called Mediterranean Diet.


About it, there is one sad thing to tell you. The UE wants to destroy natural and for this reason precious aliments  produced in Italy (and in other countries). They vote all the laws in favour of great industries and "kill" this way little producers. And you know how the industrial food is. Personally, I suffer allergy on all the industrian additives and have to use only natural aliments, so, all the persons like me suffer from such decisions of corrupt deputats in UE parlament.

Well, I began to told you about the unusual possibilities to visit Europe and Italy. I was very surprized to find many "gastronomic"  tours among the offers of different tour operators. I just told you about the quality of the local wines (Passion For Wines From Vesuvius and other posts about the tasting) and explained why the wines and other aliments from Vesuvius are so different. In that posts I told that all those little fabrics are possible to visit and not only taste and purchase what you like from their products, you can even help the owners to make their specialities: olive oil, as example. This kind of relax -stay in a farm- is very popular in Italy so that you can find many similar farms in every region of the country today.

Gourmet walk, wine & cheese tasting, pasta-making, chocolate enjoying (even chocolate & wine "spas" -you remember, I just wrote about them) -all this seems to be for warm time tourism... But invention of attractions does not finish here. The winter-tourists, specially ski-lovers are persons too.

So, they decided to satisfy all the skiing gourmets. The notice of 2 days ago tells about the ski "excursions" when the group visits 10 restaurants descending the mountains. They eat a little piece of speciality of the restaurant, continue their way, enter an other restaurant etc.

Дёминский марафон 2010.
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Loooking for a tour in Italy? Here you can book a hotel, and if you need an advise or help or translation, you can always write to me (liudmila-@hotmail.it), I'll help you to choose the vacation you look for. Visit my Fan Page to know all the last offers ("Like" it too ;-) and do not forget to subscribe my newsletter that will give you every Friday a smile and interesting information (Example)

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1 comment:

  1. I think one of the more romantic cities to visit is Italy. I personally went there on my honeymoon and my wife and I loved the food and the people there! I would strongly suggest Rome and Florence. Although it can get very touristy, especially in the summer, they are very beautiful places with so much history and culture. To break free from the tourist crowd, I would suggest you to try some home-dining options. We went to dine with one of the local hosts on BonAppetour, and were
    treated to a fancy meal at their homes on the rooftop! It is very simple to book a dinner with the hosts on their website too! Other than that, I would also suggest you to try taking one of those Vespa tours, especially in the Florence country-side. Riding on the vespa with your partner across the green landscape is actually very thrilling and romantic! Hope this helped!


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