Here in the center, on the hill, is the place I visited. What you can see is the wall of the Carthusian monastery. Behind it is situating the castle. I thought, it is the castle from early medieval times but I was wrong. It was built in XVI century. The monastery is older.
The castle is interesting because there are very beautiful views from it's walls. There were 2 exhibitions there, too. One, I did not visit it, -something about cartoons. Ther other is permanent and you can follow the development of the trends in the painting from the beginning till the end of the passed century. The guides explain what you see there.
After it I went up on the wall and made some photos. Here is the "classic" view of Naples with Vesuvius. By the way, if you look forward, behind the volcanoe, more or less the same distance, I think, will be the house where I sit now to tell you about this city. :-)))
Here is the other famous image. Probably you've seen it many times. But I'm sure, you did not associated it with Naples. Next time you'll visit it, remember that this helmet ("elmo" in Italian) is collocated in Castel dell' Elmo (with the island Capri behind it).
Surprising was the other view from the wall. The very desired in the Roman times part of this region where there were ( and there are till today) healing springs. Where Virgil ( Publius Vergilius Maro) collocated the entrance in the Hell. Where the other volcanoe, Solfatara, scares the persons living around it. Where there are many interesting attractions for the discovering this zone tourist.